
2018/07/02 python 共 348 字,约 1 分钟
import random
values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

# 随机取1个元素
print(random.choice(values))    # 3

# 随机取样:取若干个元素
print(random.sample(values, 3)) # [2, 5, 4]

# 生成随机数
print(random.randint(0,10))     # 7

# 生成0到1范围内均匀分布的浮点数
random.seed()                   # Seed based on system time or os.urandom()
random.seed(12345)              # Seed based on integer given
random.seed(b'bytedata')        # Seed based on byte data
print(random.random())          # 0.5760441534182749


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